
AIOMotorEngine supports a vast array of query operators in MongoDB. There are two ways of querying documents: using the queryset methods (filter, filter_not and the likes) or a Q object.

Querying with filter methods

Querying with Q

The Q object can be combined using python’s binary operators | and &. Do not confuse those with the and and or keywords. Those keywords won’t call the __and__ and __or__ methods in the Q class that are required for the combination of queries.

Let’s look at an example of querying for a more specific document. Say we want to find the user that either has a null date of last update or is active with a date of last_update lesser than 2010:

query = Q(last_update__is_null=True) | (Q(is_active=True) & Q(last_update__lt=datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)))

query_result = query.to_query(User)

# the resulting query should be similar to:
# {'$or': [{'last_update': None}, {'is_active': True, 'last_update': {'$lt': datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0)}}]}

assert '$or' in query_result

or_query = query_result['$or']
assert len(or_query) == 2
assert 'last_update' in or_query[0]
assert 'is_active' in or_query[1]
assert 'last_update' in or_query[1]

Query Operators

Query operators can be used when specified after a given field, like:


AIOMotorEngine supports the following query operators:

class aiomotorengine.query.exists.ExistsQueryOperator[source]

Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field.

An important reminder is that exists DOES match documents that have the specified field even if that field value is NULL.

For more information on $exists go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/exists/.


class User(Document):
    name = StringField()

query = Q(name__exists=True)

query_result = query.to_query(User)


The resulting query is:

{'name': {'$exists': True}}
class aiomotorengine.query.greater_than.GreaterThanQueryOperator[source]

Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field with a value greater than the specified value.

For more information on $gt go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/gt/.


class User(Document):
    age = IntField()

query = Q(age__gt=20)

query_result = query.to_query(User)


The resulting query is:

{'age': {'$gt': 20}}
class aiomotorengine.query.greater_than_or_equal.GreaterThanOrEqualQueryOperator[source]

Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field with a value greater than or equal to the specified value.

For more information on $gte go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/gte/.


class User(Document):
    age = IntField()

query = Q(age__gte=21)

query_result = query.to_query(User)


The resulting query is:

{'age': {'$gte': 21}}
class aiomotorengine.query.lesser_than.LesserThanQueryOperator[source]

Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field with a value lower than the specified value.

For more information on $lt go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/lt/.


class User(Document):
    age = IntField()

query = Q(age__lt=20)

query_result = query.to_query(User)


The resulting query is:

{'age': {'$lt': 20}}
class aiomotorengine.query.lesser_than_or_equal.LesserThanOrEqualQueryOperator[source]

Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field with a value lower than or equal to the specified value.

For more information on $lte go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/lte/.


class User(Document):
    age = IntField()

query = Q(age__lte=21)

query_result = query.to_query(User)


The resulting query is:

{'age': {'$lte': 21}}
class aiomotorengine.query.in_operator.InQueryOperator[source]

Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field with a value that match one of the values in the specified range.

If the specified field is a ListField, then at least one of the items in the field must match at least one of the items in the specified range.

For more information on $in go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/in/.


class User(Document):
    age = IntField()

query = Q(age__in=[20, 21, 22, 23, 24])

query_result = query.to_query(User)


The resulting query is:

{'age': {'$in': [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]}}
class aiomotorengine.query.is_null.IsNullQueryOperator[source]

Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field with a null value (or not null if set to False).

This operator uses $exists and $ne for the not null scenario.

For more information on $exists go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/exists/.

For more information on $ne go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/ne/.


class User(Document):
    email = StringField()

query = Q(email__is_null=False)

query_result = query.to_query(User)

# query results should be like:
# {'email': {'$ne': None, '$exists': True}}

assert 'email' in query_result
assert '$ne' in query_result['email']
assert '$exists' in query_result['email']
class aiomotorengine.query.not_equal.NotEqualQueryOperator[source]

Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field with a value that’s not equal to the specified value.

For more information on $ne go to http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/ne/.


class User(Document):
    email = StringField()

query = Q(email__ne="heynemann@gmail.com")

query_result = query.to_query(User)


The resulting query is:

{'email': {'$ne': 'heynemann@gmail.com'}}

Querying with Raw Queries

Even though AIOMotorEngine strives to provide an interface for queries that makes naming fields and documents transparent, using mongodb raw queries is still supported, both in the filter method and the Q class.

In order to use raw queries, just pass the same object you would use in mongodb:

class Address(Document):
    __collection__ = "QueryingWithRawQueryAddress"
    street = StringField()

class User(Document):
    __collection__ = "QueryingWithRawQueryUser"
    addresses = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(Address))
    name = StringField()

async def query_user():
    user = User(name="Bernardo", addresses=[Address(street="Infinite Loop")])
    await user.save()
    users = await User.objects.filter({
        "addresses": {
            "street": "Infinite Loop"
    assert users[0].name == "Bernardo", users
    assert users[0].addresses[0].street == "Infinite Loop", users
