Source code for aiomotorengine.query.greater_than_or_equal

from aiomotorengine.query.base import QueryOperator

[docs]class GreaterThanOrEqualQueryOperator(QueryOperator): ''' Query operator used to return all documents that have the specified field with a value greater than or equal to the specified value. For more information on `$gte` go to Usage: .. testsetup:: gte_query_operator from datetime import datetime import asyncio from aiomotorengine import * .. testcode:: gte_query_operator class User(Document): age = IntField() query = Q(age__gte=21) query_result = query.to_query(User) print(query_result) The resulting query is: .. testoutput:: gte_query_operator {'age': {'$gte': 21}} ''' def to_query(self, field_name, value): return { field_name: {"$gte": value} }